Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Today's Students Just DON'T CARE: Introduction

After having graduated from high school a few days ago, I pause to look back on my high school years. The past four years have just flown by, but the past two years really stuck out at me. Long story short, I was taking some senior level classes as a junior and a junior level class as a senior, and because of this switch, I really saw that students don't really care about their schoolwork. Now you may say that this was because I wasn't with students my own age. Observations of my fellow classmates (in MY grade) throughout the years also proved my thoughts to be true.

Now, I never really realized that students didn't really care until junior year because I was around students that were like me - the students who DID care about their schoolwork and were in many advanced classes - for most of my classes my first two years of high school.

As a senior, I also had the opportunity to take college classes at a local college as a part of a dual enrollment program. I was expecting the college students to be more serious about their work than my high school counterparts. Except for one of my classes, I again saw that students don't really care about their work. I should not have been that surprised that this was going to happen. Many of my classes were full of freshmen - high school seniors last year, and the same type of people I was around being the odd one out in some of my classes. Several of these classes were general education requirement classes, so everybody has to take them whether those classes were relevant to their major or not, but either way, shouldn't these students be more serious about their work? They thought high school was easy, so they also think they can cruise through college? I think not! They'll be in for a big surprise in the future!

My next three posts will each be about my thoughts on the attitudes of high school and college students and why they need to get their acts together...all based on my observations from my high school years.

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